...Livres, Bücher, Livros,
Knjige, Boeken, Libri, βιβλία, Libros...
This July, another favorite...To read!
Este julio, otro favorito...Leer!
Este julio, otro favorito...Leer!
I was the kind of girl who got in trouble for reading past my bedtime...
Yo era la clase de niña que me metía en problemas por leer después de la hora de dormir...
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J.Crew August2007 |
I love to read. I have been reading nonstop ever since I learned how, and I read everything I can get my hands on...
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thesartorialist |
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Wes Del Val. garancedoré |
"The person who deserves most pity is a lonesome one on a rainy day who doesn't know how to read". Benjamin Franklin
"La persona que merece más lástima es la solitaria, en un día lluvioso que no sabe cómo leer". Benjamin Franklin
No matter who you are, what I like the most, though, is the moment you open a book and sink into it, it's like you can escape from the world into a story that's way more interesting than yours will ever be...
No importa quién seas, lo que más me gusta, es que desde que abres un libro y te introduces en él, es como escaparse del mundo para vivir una historia mucho más interesante de lo que la tuya podría resultar...
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utravioletlife |
I'm really an avid reader...
Soy realmente una lectora ávida...
...but, of course, there are too many books in the world to read in a single lifetime so you have to draw the line somewhere...
...pero, por supuesto, hay demasiados libros en el mundo para leer en una sola vida, así que debes trazar la línea en algún punto...
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Paris, France by Céline Etzol |
Reading is one of those hobbies that you can only truly enjoy by yourself. It's just one of those things that it's better enjoyed alone.
Leer es uno de esos pasatiempos que puedes sinceramente disfrutar por ti misma y es una de esas raras actividades que se disfrutan mejor en soledad.
...and at any place...
...y en cualquier lugar...
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Bookshelf industrial pipe with lighting by Stella Bleu designs |
And of course the way you display or hide your books shows your preferences and your personality as your reading choices do...
Y por supuesto la forma en que expongas o escondas tus libros muestra tus preferencias y tu personalidad así como lo hacen las lecturas que eliges...
And the way to keep the books works like a trigger to all kind of creative bookcases designs...
Y la manera en que guardas tus libros actúa como un gatillo para toda clase de diseño de libreros...
...and all kind of unconventional solutions...
...y todo tipo de soluciones poco convencionales...
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thepursuitofaesthetic |
"Books are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so beautifully furnishes a house". Henry Ward Beecher
"Los libros no están hechos para muebles, pero no hay nada que amueble una casa más hermosamente". Henry Ward Beecher
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Reclining Woman Reading. Pablo Picasso |
The reading habit had inspired different kind of artists, from writers, to architects,and from photographers to painters...
El hábito de la lectura ha inspirado a diferente clase de artistas, desde escritores, hasta arquitectos,y desde fotógrafos hasta pintores...
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What Makes True Love. Tiffany & Co. |
"We would be together and have our books and at night be warm in bed together with the windows open and the stars bright". Ernest Hemingway
"Estaríamos juntos y tendríamos nuestros libros y por la noche estaríamos acurrucados en la cama juntos con las ventanas abiertas y las estrellas brillando". Ernest Hemingway
I really love books, their weight, texture, I love their smell, the sound of the paper when turning the pages...
Realmente amo los libros, su peso, textura, amo su aroma, el sonido del papel al voltear las páginas...
Dapper Lou, Case by case. |
...but I have no prejudices, I celebrate ebooks also, they are perfect to travel and to read throughout the night without turning the light on...
...pero no tengo prejuicios, celebro los ebooks también, son perfectos para viajar y para leer durante toda la noche sin encender la luz...
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classy-modemoiselle |
"Books are no more threatened by Kindle than stairs by elevators". Stephen Fry
"Los libros no están más amenazados por Kindle que las escaleras por los ascensores". Stephen Fry
Durante las horas de oficina los libros en el pórtico cuestan 50ç cada uno o 5/$2. Cuando la tienda está cerrada, por favor siéntase libre de tomarlos prestados o quedárselos y pagarme más tarde. En cualquier momento; si no tiene dinero para comprar libros y necesita o quiere leer, sírvase. Se aceptan donaciones. El Propietario.
And finally, I love bookstores, from tiny little ones to big and powerful ones...and I really understand the felling that inspired to this wonderful bookstore proprietor, my kind oh hero!!!
Y finalmente, adoro las librerías, desde las más pequeñitas hasta las más grandes y poderosas...y realmente entiendo el sentimiento que inspiró a este maravilloso propietario de esta tienda de libros, ¡¡¡mi clase de héroe!!!
Y a pesar que leer es una actividad bastante solitaria, hay pocos momentos que disfrute más que cuando comparto mi cama con mis hijos, cada uno con su libro, y nos interrumpimos cada tanto para compartir en voz alta algún párrafo interesante de las diferentes historias en las que estamos inmersos...
I'm absolutely convinced that people that dislike reading do not exist. I just think that there are people who have not found their type of book yet, so I invite all of them to discover it before giving up...
Estoy absolutamente convencida que no hay gente a la que no le guste leer. Sino personas que no encontraron aún su clase de libros, así que los invito a seguir buscando, antes de rendirse...
I hope you're all having a wonderful and lovely week!
¡Les deseo a todos una maravillosa semana, llena de afecto!
Kisses & hugs!
¡Besos y abrazos!
Beautiful pics! I love my kindle and the Stephen Fry quote!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Ines!
Hi Ines - great inspiring post - I try to read as much as I can ..
ReplyDeleteI'm following you back on Bloglovin now
Thank you Joanne! I'm glad you like it!
Concuerdo totalmente con tu última reflexión; es imposible que a alguien no le guste leer, solo no ha encontrado el libro perfecto. Desde muy chica fui siempre una devoradora de libros, aprender a leer me abrió las puertas a los mundos fantásticos de Ray Bradbury, Asimov, Cortázar, y más tarde a quienes serían mis favoritos hasta el día de hoy, Hesse y Kafka. Mi novio solía decir "no soy de libros", y ahí lo veo cada tarde, recostado con algún tomo épico, que son sus favoritos :)
ReplyDeleteUn abrazo y te dejo una nueva forma de decir libro para la colección, en japonés: HON.
Gracias Ivonne, me encantó el dato, ya mismo lo estoy incorporando al post!
I always feel excited when I walk into a bookstore... like there are a thousand adventures waiting to be discovered.
ReplyDeleteGracias Brianne! I feel that too!!!
DeleteBig hugs, dear!
I love everything about books and bookstores, Ines!
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures selection, very inspiring!!!
ReplyDeleteWonderful post! I too cherish the moments when we read together as a family, and I agree.. what's not to love about reading? One must discover what intrigues.. and off you go! Can't put it down! I love to stack old books up on the floor and my cocktail table displays my favorite interior design books.
Enjoy your day!!
Ah, Leslie...I have too many books that storing them has become a problem! God bless ebooks!!Hehe!!
DeleteBig hugs, dear!
amazing post Ines!! kiss kiss from Italy!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful tribute to reading darling! Oh, just read your comment on Diana's post! Hillarious, yet, words to live by! XOXO
ReplyDeleteHahaha! Wasn't my great-grandmom clever???;)
DeleteBig hugs, Elsa!!
I LOVE books and reading! I have a huge collection, especially coffee table books. Those are some fabulous photos you've shared.
ReplyDeletexo Jenny
Thank you Jenny, is so good to find people alike around the blogosphere!!!!
This is such a beautiful, beautiful post. Books are truly wonderful in so many ways!!!
ReplyDeletewow such a beautifully organized post! very inspirational. wonderful blog you have here:)
I got to Admit that how you speak about books is very convincing and really make one want to grab a book and read.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good post!
Why it doesn't surprise me, sweetie!??...Love u Biti!
Muy bueno! Definitivamente debo encontrar mi lectura!
ReplyDeleteAh, feliz cumpleaños atrasado ... ( para que lo anoten es el 15 de jul)
Beso muy grande!
Jajajaja! Sería bueno que por lo menos dejes de olvidar tus libros en los aeropuertos alrededor del mundo!!!
DeleteTe amo mucho!!!
I love to read as well Inés. Every book is like a new adventure. It makes me sad that traditional bookstores seem to be slowly going away cause I enjoy hanging out in them especially on rainy afternoons :)
ReplyDeleteHope your week is going great too my dear!
Rowena @ rolala loves
Ah, Rowena, there are few thinks to do more rewarding than to get lost inside a bookstore in a rainy day!
DeleteHugs dear!
I LOVE to read! Kindle will never replace books for me...
ReplyDeleteIt's absolutely terrible that I'm generally the type of person to look at the pictures instead of the words! I do love to read whenever it's an amazing book, though. I love the quote, "Books are no more threatened by Kindle than stairs by elevators." It's so true!!
ReplyDeleteInes! Have you seen this post?
It reminded me of your post just now. :)
That's because you are a very visual person dear Danie!!! Thank you for that link, I love it!
DeleteBig hugs, sweetie!
También me gusta leer, la primera foto la encontré hace pocos días en internet, que casualidad :) activa la barra de seguidores para poder seguirte! besos :)
ReplyDeleteI adore reading! I try to make time to ready at least 2 books a month and during holidays i usually pick 7. It's my kind of obsession.
ReplyDeleteIt's the same thing to me, Ana!, It's one of my many obsessions! Hehe!!!
DeleteHugs, my friend!
I love to read too and I'm convinced that the folks that say they don't enjoy it, just aren't reading the right types of books suited for their personalities. I thank Mom for my love of reading because she would make weekly visits to the library with us when we were kids. I read to my kids all the time and now they both love to read too. I haven't got a kindle or e-reader. I just love the experience of going into the book store. It's so relaxing for me. I like browsing the books, the feel of it in my hands, admiring the beauty of the cover, and finding the perfect book that you know that you will love! xo
ReplyDeleteAh! I agree, Debbie, to actually feel the books it's one of the best aspects of the reading experience...
DeleteBig hugs, dear!
Darling! I cordially invite you to read my latest post, as I mention you as one of my inspirations to get my point across. Besos!
ReplyDeleteAw!, Elsa...thank you very much dear, wow, that actually feels so good!!!
DeleteBig hugs darling!
Stories and story-telling are my first love, and books are the medium. This is why I love your blog, Ines, your words and images tell lovely stories!
ReplyDeleteAw! Rosa, I'm so glad you like it, dear!
I totally feel you! I have a love affair with books as well. So nice to meet (well, virtually, anyway) a kindred spirit. xo style, she wrote
ReplyDeleteI agree Arden, books, like pictures, and any other personal touch can make any house feel like home!!!
ReplyDeleteBig hugs!
Fantastic post, I am a book worm too, there is nothing better than losing yourself in a good book that stimulates your mind and imagination. <3
Me encanta el olor de un libro nuevo, y el tacto de las páginas desgastadas de uno viejo, las historias que cuentan, el papel, la portada...¡Todo!
ReplyDeleteNos encanta tu sitio, ya tienes unas nuevas seguidoras!
-Le péchè de Venus
I love reading so much!!
Great book-pictures!
ReplyDeleteComo siempre, geniales las imagenes! Mi mujer es también una devora-libros!! jejeje
ReplyDeleteSaludos desde 'Me visto solo' [Man] - mevistosolo.blogspot.com
this inspires me to pick a good book for the summer! thanks ines! x
para una coleccionista/devoradora/compardora compulsiva de libros/lectora/cuasi escritora es muy lindo todo esto que escribiste...leer, para mí, para otros, para grandes, para niños, para ciegos, viejos o enfermos, en voz alta, en voz baja, en la cama,en el baño, en el colectivo, en la calle cuando bajo y no puedo parar, al lado del río, frente al mar, libros nuevos,viejos, propios, prestados,usados, con olor a humedad con olor a librería leer...meterse en el mundo y redescubrirlo... te mando besos,amiga!!!!